![]() "It's more likely for a snake to smoke a pipe than for the FEB to go to the front and fight". -- Basically a Brazilian version of "When pigs fly". On this day in history, 21 February 1945, the Forca Expedicionaria Brasileira (Brazilian Expeditionary Force) conclusively put that saying to rest when they, alongside American forces (including the 10th Mountain Division), defeated dug-in German defenders at the Battle of Monte Castello in Italy. Click below to read more!
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The recently acquired crown jewel of my US weapons collection was in fact a fairly mediocre sniper rifle when in service. But that's OK because it is part of the history of the exigencies of war, and it is still a pretty excellent example I'm stoked to have! All documents are thanks to the great work of Andrew Stolinski of the Archival Research Group, and are used with permission. Make sure to check ARG out!
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Jon K.Weapons collector, history buff, Army officer, Pug enthusiast. Archives
December 2020