Another move means another house to decorate. Fortunately since Allie collects trench art, likes my propaganda posters, and doesn't mind a bunch of bayonets hanging on the wall in my study we are able to keep the "Live, Laugh, Love" stuff to a minimum!
So Allie and I just finished watching the final season of "The Man in the High Castle", an alternate history of what might have been if the Axis won WW2. The show is based on a 1962 novel with the same premise by Phillip K. Dick. But dire prognostications about "what could happen" if America lost were happening almost 20 years before Dick published his work.
To me, American Locomotive is the king of terrifyingly dark WW2 advertising. They had a run of various adverts in 1943 that are designed to shock the reader with the consequences of defeat and inspire (or coerce) them into throwing their full support behind the war effort. I am aware of 6 advertisements, all of which I have collected and presented here. While all are striking, the most stark to me the one where we the viewer are staring down the barrels of a Japanese firing squad while the rising sun flies over the capitol building. Do any of these give you the willies, even just a little bit, despite WW2 being so far in the past? So I was organizing my WW2 advertisements (of course that is something I collect sporadically...) and I found this gem on the back of an automotive advertisement.
It's an explanation, from Elsie the Borden cow to her (husband?) Elmer the bull about the importance of the American farmer. It made me think of my Ag folks Becky, Sarah and Zach. Features such great lines as: -"Woman, the blood of the sacred bulls of India flows in my veins and every drop of it is boiling!" and - "Faugh!" snarled Elmer. "If it's milk this farmer wants, thats your job!". |
Jon K.Weapons collector, history buff, Army officer, Pug enthusiast. Archives
December 2020